[osteopath.blog](https://osteopath.blog/) >> [Lab๐Ÿ”Ž](https://lab.osteopath.blog/) # Lab๐Ÿ”Ž **Welcome to my research laboratory of the best diagnostic and treatment methods!** > Scientia potentia est! > Knowledge is power! Interesting news and discoveries, comprehensive reviews of top educational materials, and the ย scientific research of the most effective algorithms for differential diagnosis and identifying causes of disorders. My treatment approaches encompass a variety of osteopathic methods but are not limited to them. It is essential to integrate advancements from other medical fields, including neurology, orthopedics, physical therapy, sports medicine, and psychosomatics. ![[Main-Research-Areas.jpg]] ## Main Research Areas 1. **The problem of screening tests.** What are the most effective algorithms for rapid pre-diagnosis? Aggregates of signs signaling danger (red flags) or the need to consult related specialists (traumatic, infectious, autoimmune disorders, etc.). 2. **The problem of differential diagnosis of different dysfunctions.** Which tissue dysfunctions are the direct cause of symptoms? What are the associated dysfunctions of these and other tissues? 3. **The problem of combining different approaches, methods from osteopathy, manual therapy, physical therapy.** Which method(s) to choose when treating a particular patient? Why? How can and should they be combined? In what sequence? 4. **The problem of a holistic approach.** How do some dysfunctions affect other, possibly hidden, asymptomatic dysfunctions in other parts of the body? What models better describe the pathways of their interrelationships? 5. **The problem of adapting selected diagnostic algorithms and treatment methods to remote application.** Which approaches are best suited for online application and how we can adapt them? Which ones have a well-developed diagnostic methodology, as well as a system of independent actions of the patient (specific exercises, self-massage, taping, ergonomic correction, psychophysical exercises). # [[Research ๐Ÿง ]] # [[My Self-Education ๐ŸŽ“]] # [[Books ๐Ÿ“š]] # [[My Hobbies ๐ŸŽจ]] --- [![[in.png]]](https://www.linkedin.com/in/grigori-tafi/)[![[ins.png]]](https://www.instagram.com/dr.tafi/)[![[fb.png]]](https://www.facebook.com/dr.grigori.tafi)[![[ws.png]]](https://wa.me/380958840201) **[Osteopath.blog](https://osteopath.blog/en/index.html) [Online Consultation](https://osteopath.blog/en/contact/the-osteopathic-consultancy.html)**