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# Books
📖 — My bookshelf paper books.
📄 — Ebooks and audiobooks
**ES**, (**DE**) — My book's language, (Original). If there is no English translation.
📖 [[Greenman's Principles of Manual Medicine]]
📖 [[Atlas of Osteopathic Techniques]]
📖 [[An Osteopathic Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment]]
📖 [[Cranial Osteopathy. A Practical Textbook]]
📖 [[Harmonizing Your Craniosacral System. Self-Treatments for Improving Your Health]]
📖 [[Visceral Manipulation in Osteopathy. A Practical Handbook]]
📖 [[Osteopatía visceral]] **ES**, (**DE**)
📖 [[Sistema nervioso y osteopatía. Nervios periféricos, meninges craneales y espinales, y sistema nervioso vegetativo]] **ES**, (**DE**)
📖 [[Manual Therapy for the Peripheral Nerves]]
📄 [[Manual Therapy for the Cranial Nerves]]
📖 [[Clinical Neurodynamics. A New System of Neuromusculoskeletal Treatment]]
📖 [[Mobilisation of the nervous system]]
📖 [[Neurodinámica en la práctica clínica]] **ES**, (**ES**)
📄 [[Explain Pain]]
📖 [[Manual Therapy NAGS, SNAGS, MWMS, etc.]]
📖 [[The Mulligan concept of manual therapy. Textbook of techniques]]
📖 [[Manual of Mulligan Concept. Step by Step Guide to Deliver Manual Therapy Based on Mulligan Concept]]
📄 [[Mobilisation with Movement. The Art and the Science]]
📖 [[Maitland's Clinical Companion. An Essential Guide for Students]]
📖 [[Fascial Manipulation. Practical Part]]
📖 [[Fascial Manipulation for Internal Dysfunctions]]
📖 [[Fascial Manipulation for Musculoskeletal Pain. Theoretical part]]
📖 [[Functional Atlas of the Human Fascial System]]
📄 [[Fascial Manipulation. The practitioner’s perspective]]
📖 [[El masaje del doctor Cyriax. Terapia manual en las lesiones del sistema musculoesquelético]] **ES**, (**ES**)
📄 [[Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction. The Trigger Point Manual]]
📖 [[The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook. Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief]]
📖 [[Myofascial Trigger Points. Comprehensive diagnosis and treatment]]
📄 [[The Muscle and Bone Palpation Manual with Trigger Points, Referral Patterns and Stretching]]
📖 [[Clinical Mastery in the Treatment of Myofascial Pain]]
📖 [[K-Taping. An Illustrated Guide - Basics - Techniques - Indications]]
📖 [[Clinical Therapeutic Applications of the Kinesio Taping]]
📖 [[Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers]]
📄 [[The Polyvagal Theory. Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-Regulation]]
📖 [[Polyvagal Safety. Attachment, Communication, Self-Regulation]]
📖 [[Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve. Self-Help Exercises for Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Autism]]
📖 [[Neurovegetative system and its functional disorders]] **RU**, (**FR**)
📖 [[Anatomy Trains. Myofascial Meridians for Manual Therapists and Movement Professionals]]
📖 [[A Massage Therapist's Guide to Lower Back & Pelvic Pain]]
📖 [[The Balanced Body. A Guide to Deep Tissue and Neuromuscular Therapy]]
📄 Mitchell F. Jr. The muscle energy manual (Vol. 1,2,3)
📖 [[Clinical Sports Medicine]]
### Some russian-language books from my library
They were useful at the beginning of my practice, but now I can only recommend the first two, provided that you are interested in the classical Czecho-Slovak and Soviet schools of manual medicine. Mainly trusts and PIRs.
📖 Мануальная терапия. Иваничев Г.А. **(Manual therapy.)**
📖 Клиническая пропедевтика мануальной медицины. А.Я. Попелянский **(Clinical Propaedeutics of Manual Medicine.)**
📖 Мануальная терапия в вертеброневрологии. Губенко В.П. **(Manual therapy in vertebroneurology.)**
📖 Остеопатия. Миофасциальные, краниосакральные, мышечно-энергетические и другие техники. Соловей И.Г. (**Osteopathy. Myofascial, craniosacral, muscular-energetic and other techniques**.)
📖 Лечение внутренних органов методами висцеральной остеопатии. Чикуров Ю.В. **(Treatment of internal organs by methods of visceral osteopathy.)**
📖 Мягкие мануальные техники. Чикуров Ю.В. **(Soft manual techniques.)**
📖 Краниосакральная терапия. Чикуров Ю.В. **(Craniosacral therapy.)**
📖 Остеопатическое лечение внутрикостных дисфункций. Чикуров Ю.В. **(Osteopathic treatment of intraosseous dysfunctions.)**